Sunday, May 25, 2008

your hair has a BIG impact in your look!!!

well,, sbenernya hari ini gw dlanda kbosanan stadium 4 ampe ngepost blog banyak banged...[in a good mood of writing n get bored wif my bloody marketing...haha..]

dari title ny aja,,mungkin kalian smw uda pada bisa nebak isi post ini apaan...haha...skali lagi gw ngeliat facebook temen gw n dy ngepost foto temennya pas jaman jadul...n believe me it is so hilarious!!! gw ketawa ampe gak berhenti2...hosmate gw shock ampe kpikiran trus sampe skarang...gmana ngga,,one of my friends yg skarang bisa dibilang lumayan good looking,,dulunya.....ampe speechless gw...parah banged!!!!mukanya sama...[despite of dy skarang uda lbi tua..],,tapi rambutnya....tolong donkkk....hahaha...hosmate gw bilang,,' udah kyak gorden!!!' hahahhaa...ngakakkkkk abisssss....belah tengah n gondrong gitu...mana lurus lagi...uda kyk di smoothing...[no offense...hehe..]..tapi untungnya sekarang he looks much more better...dgn potongan rambut yg udah jau berbeda dari sebelumnya tentunya...haha...people do change anyway...

another case adalah temen bae gw...gak jauh beda ama case sbelumnya,,rambut dy jg dlu belah tengah [God,,gw juga!!!wat was in my mind y??haha..] n cupu banged kliatannya..skali lagi,,he looks better now...hahaa...

however,,who noes about d hair style five years onward??ahahha...bisa aja kmbali k tragedi 'belah tengah' ato g pake belah2an...haha...yg jelas kesimpulannya,,cari hair style yg bener n cocok bwt lo...kalo gak maw tu jadi kenangan tak terlupakan...haha....

Isaiah 41:10

I was sitting in the middle of the church [Kaleide Theater] and listening what Ka Yudah was preaching today...I just love the verse that he gave to us,,Isaiah 41:10:

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Last week,,Ka Tommy also preached about a very good verse which was taken from Philippians 4:13:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

This last couple of weeks, i was just reminded how God really cares about us,,me personally...I had a bit problem about couple of weeks ago and at that time I felt so down and I cried a whole night until my eyes became 'bear's eyes' and I just asked God why it happened to me...In my thought,,it was just unfair...

However, when i heard about this verse,,it struck me in my heart...This is not the end of my life...I believe that I will go through any problems in my life because I have a big,,even huge and indescribable God!! He strengthens me,,He upholds me and He always be with me no matter what the circumstance is...

These days,,I also found that some of my friends,,they have been struggling with their own problems and I'm not the only one who face it...How come I was so weak???Even my cell leader,,she's just an ordinary people and she is struggling with heaps of things that she needs to do...She asked us to pray for her and we were willing to...And she is strengthened by God and it just inspires me to put my trust in God and believe that He will not leave us and the problems is just the way from God to us to rely on HIM fully...I also realise how He has done beautifully in my life...He makes me as the way I am now...

For those who struggle and almost give up,,this might be a suggestion for you,,that believing and putting your trust in Him is the best way to solve all of your problems...Do not fear or worry,,as He is our God,,He strengthens us,,He upholds us,,and He always be with us forever...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

demam facebook...

ada fenomena baru yang gw temuin akhir2 ini...dimana gw n temen2 gw lagi demam situs pertemanan bernama 'facebook'..haha...i know most of u guys know wat it is...n say goodbye to our beloved 'friendster'...benernya gak fully say goodbye sih,,cuma ga taw kenapa,,akhir2 ini qta semua pada kecanduan ama facebook even thou most of us think that facebook tu ribet banged!! well,,no wonder si,,applicationny segunung n request2ny uda nyampe ratusan gitu...n personally,,gw males banged ignore in satu2...tapi facebook tu lbi privacy..cieee..haha..berhubung temen2 dstu gw 98% kenal smw,,unlike friendster yg uda gak jelas siapa2 aja yg jadi friends gw n yg ngeliatin profile gw udah gak jelas asal-usulnya darimana...haha...

a point yang kita demen dari facebook tuh bisa comment2 d foto2..[of course friendster does it too,,but this one is much more fun!!!] n satu crita dmana kami anak2 leighrion mulai comment d one of our photos in facebook...n sorry bwt stefanus yg uda jadi korban qta...haha...benernya simple bener,,mulai dari si verlin yg comment kalo si nus2 ga ikutan foto bareng 1 cell...trus ci winy berlanjut dgn bilang 'yah,,si stefa kan lagi sibuk ama yang 'lainnya'..' ..trus giliran gw yang comment n sampe giliran si edo yang comment,,dy bilang ' tuh si nus ada d belakang kaca!!' kontan gw liat n waktu itu gw ngeliat orang pake baju putih d blakang kaca n langsung aja gw pikir tu stefanus...gak pake mikir panjang,,langsung aja tu gw tag 'si baju putih'..haha...

masalah start dari situ...selidik punya selidik,,ternyata si stefanus tu waktu kita foto lagi nganterin si rio k station n yg gw tag ternyata bayangannya si gerry!!![guyz,,u better see my facebook n d foto for clearer...haha...]..yang lebih kocak lagi,,si nus2 mo bales comment dari kita,,tapi berhubung dy orang 'awam' d facebook [baru bwt facebook 2 minggu yg lalu..haha..],,alhasil dy gak nemu gmana carany bwt reply comment dsana...[nus,,fyi,,tu lo reply comment d paling bawah...hahaha....]well,si stefanus akhirnya cma bisa pasrah n geleng2 kepala while qta smua lagi ngomongin n ngetawain dy...hahaha...

trus hari ini gw ketemu si edo,,ternyata waktu itu dy cma ngasal gitu ngomong kalo ad si stefanus d belakang kaca,,eh gak tawny malah gw anggap serius...ngaco abis!!!y apa bole bwt,,uda terlanjur d tag,, n yg bisa remove tag ny cma stefanus...[once again,,he doesn't know how to remove the tag!!!hahahaha....]

pelajaran dari kejadian ini adalah:
.jangan gaptek2 soal facebook...[trutama si nus2 yg mesti nge-spend an hour bwt nyari gmana ganti display picture...haha.]
.jangan ngerjain orang...[trutama si edo yg uda menipu kita smwa..trutama gw!!haha...]
.jeli2 kalo ngeliat foto...[trutama gw yg uda ngira bayanganny gerry tu si nus2...]
.jangan suka ngegosip...[but its fun to gossip in stefanus...haha...we keep doing dat..]
.cepetan bwt facebook!![trutama bwt si mei2 yang cuma bsa bengong dengerin kita cerita soal foto n stefanus...haha..]
.always b in cell's photos!![trutama bwt smua biar g digossipin kyk stefanus!!haha...]

welcome to my blog...

hi all!! after all,,finally i've made this pretty simple blog...actually i made it while i was revising for my upcoming exam n i got bored for sure!!hahaha...

i'm not a good blogger [believe me,,i neglect my blog previously so many times...] n maybe sometimes hav no time to do posting or whatsoever...however,,this blog at least reflects my daily life [i'll try my best to post as many as i can do...haha...]

last but not least,,happy reading time with my simple-but-nice blog..hehe..leave comment any time...

luph n hug from dee...