Tuesday, June 24, 2008


DONE!!!it was the first word appeared in my mind when the supervisor announced that 'all candidates, put the pen down please'. Yeyy!!! that's true,,I've already finished all my bloody exams which successfully killed my sleeping time for a couple of weeks...And now officially I could say 'welcome to holiday!!!welcome to real world!!!'..

Just for your information,,about 5 days before last exam,,I enjoyed my 'early holiday' by having trip to Mornington Peninsula... Really, some of my friends even said that I was just too crazy to go there when indeed I haven't finished my exam yet.. However,,I did have an awesome trip there despite the unfriendly whether (showering and then raining..)...I recommend you who live in Melbourne if you haven't visited there to spend your time to catch up there and enjoy the huge and beautiful maze...My friend and I took a lot of pictures there which you can see those in my facebook...It was exciting and at that time,,it was such a private massive maze for us (no one else except us..)

Back to my finished exams,,I was just too excited when I got out from the examination room and thank God,,I could do my last exam pretty well(hopefully get a good mark)...Relieve and released from all of the crappy stuffs just feel so good indeed!!! Then my friend and I had an 'after-exam party' in my apartment...not that kind of party but merely our pizza and crazy night...Even though I have had my dinner already,,but still ate a couple of pizza slices as well and drunk pepsi and those made my belly even more bubbly...hahaha...

Then we played playing cards and kept laughing until midnight...Followed by going to 'Princes' and had fun with playing billiard...and geez,,I haven't played it for such ages!!! Fortunately, I was still able to hit the ball not the person behind me...hahaha...

And finally it was ended at 1 am in the morning...well done!! just had fun too much for this holiday...

ps. Have a great holiday guys for those of you who have done the exams already...And for those who haven't,,enjoy your school life for sure!!!:p

cheers and hug,,

Thursday, June 12, 2008

this is what we call,,EXAM period!!!

This time can be said the most frustrating and crucial time for almost all students (except if you've done it)..EXAMS!!!!!sigh...And unfortunately,, I'm still one of the frustrated people who must face those scary exams...

Ok,,actually gw udah done 2 exams previously...Marketing sama Statistics and thank God,,not too bad..At least,,gak separah yang gw bayangin sebelumnya...Masih ada bayangan mesti gimana ngerjainnya walaupun buat Stats mesti nge-spend waktu pas-pasan..(fyi,,pertamanya gw ama temen2 gw udah pede abis mau keluar sebelum waktunya abis,,in fact malah ada yang belom selesai ngerjain sampe waktunya selesai...haha..)

Yang jelas,,I must still face 2 more exams before enjoying the holiday..And boleh dibilang,,2 subjects terakhir justru yang crucial...Intro Finance ama Intro FA...Susahhhhh!!!!!pusing...Again,,I was still in the middle of studying Finance while writing this blog..Parah bener,,gak ngerti2 nih pelajaran soal apa...susah,,banyak lagi...Future market lah,,certificate of deposit lah,,bond market lah and heaps of non-understandable things...

Anyway,,this post was written as a 'curhat' dari penulis...saking pusing and stress..haha...pokoknya good luck and all the best buat semua yang lagi exam!!!Prove that you and I can beat those stuffs!!! jiaaa yooouuuu...

d stressed out girl,,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

oakleigh...thousands of memories...

Begitu kata itu diucapin,,yang ada di benak gw langsung 'my second home'...Even thou gw juga gak sering2 banged maen k oakleigh..[baca:gak tiap hari],,but for me personally, oakleigh has a thousand memories that hardly forgotten and afterwards,,leightoo will be no longer leightoo....
Oakleigh is one of the place where we share together [share crita ampe makanan..hehe..],,tempat nginep yg asik,,tempat ngumpul2 n nongkrong,,tempat sbagian besar penghuni leightoo tinggal,,n loads of story behind it...

Well,,anak2 bakal pindah dari Oakleigh...si nus2 bakal pindah ke tempat ciciny di Altona Meadows [nus,,lo bakal jadi anak 'utara'..haha...],,si edo bakal pindah ke tempat kokonya and Andri bakal pindah bareng stefanus sampe dy for good ntar...tinggal si mei2 di oakleigh depan n believe me,,dy udah ngomel2 gara2 bakal kesepian ntar..hehe..

Everything changes and yes,,it does...It changes according to His plan...oakleigh dulu gak sama dengan oakleigh sekarang...dulu yang dsitu ada freddy,,soni,,nus2...trus masuk edo ma andri,,freddy n soni for good...sempet juga si phodi n judo tinggal di oakleigh...ada achik juga,,then he went for good as well...n definitely,,oakleigh will not be the same later...

somehow,,personally,,gw ngerasa changes itu gak sepenuhnya enak,,when i feel really comfortable with the situation rite now...tapi,,kadang gw ga bisa ngelakuin apa2 and it happens...however,,oakleigh has written a thousand unforgettable memories to me and others...n i believe,,there will be still a million things happen in my life....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy Birthday My Brotha...

Dear Ko Ino,,

2 June 2008....

Happy 26th Birthday to my big-and-only brother...

As u said,,the age does not increase yet decreases...hehe...
thou,,i believe still have much time to improve yourself more...
waiting for ur unsure-when marriage as well...haha...
wish u all d best!!! looking forward to see you later!!


My Foggy and Busy Sunday...

Fiuh,,after waiting for 2 months,,akhirnya gw done syuting bwt MSF movie seeker service [The Edge of Perfection,,nonton y...16 August 2008...hehe...] Walopun basically peran gw dikit,,berhubung ada scene yg belom slese,,finally gw mesti nunggu until scene gw beres smw baru my desire bwt potong rambut kesampean...hahaa...[so excited!!]

Tadi abis dari Gempar service,,gw,,Sarah,,Adit langsung cabut k Gardiner..[which means I missed my lovely lunch wif my beloved cell...huhu..]Trus ampe Gardiner,,langsung nae A1 bareng Jerry n Kaming jga bwt jmput Jan n k Warneet [baca:Cranbourne]. Finally after ages,,I went there again!! Tengah jalan pada kelaperan,,akhirnya mampir k McDonald's yg dulu qta datengin jg...grabbed some foods bwt ngeganjel perut...Trus pas nyampe,,I met up wif Margareth n Andrew... As usual,,sperti gw,,Sarah ma Kaming uda nebak,,pas ktemu si Margareth pasti bakal ditanyain 'would u like a cup of tea??'...hahaha...And it happened!! tapi dasar si Kaming iseng,,dy malah bilang 'Can I get coffee please?'[dalam hati si Margareth mgkn ngomong,,ni orang kog ngerepotin bener...haha...]

Trus,,qta syuting bwt scene yg emank blom k syut pas 2 bulan lalu..basically qta2 dah pada brubah gtu rambutny which is lbi panjang..tapi y udalah..haha...n thank God banged hari ini syuting ny cepet...emank ngejar waktu before sunset supaya bsa ambil scene pantai...n the man of the day adalah Kaming...haha...sperti biasa,,si Sarah mesti mati2an nahan ketawa gara2 ngeliat mukanya si Kaming...hehe...

After finishing the hostel scene,,qta langsung cabut k beach...n the sunset was so beautiful..[si Jan ampe girang n seneng bener ngeliatnya..haha..] Paling kasian si adit n Kaming...berhubung mereka mesti pake baju lengan pendek n fyi,,tadi tu dingin banged...uda ampe smoky2 gtu kalo ngomong...hahaha...gw ma Sarah kaki ny uda mati rasa gtu saking dinginnya...

Cabut dari Cranbourne,,qta balik lagi ke Melbourne...Trus rencana awal mo makan di Warung Gudeg,,unfortunately tutup...yasud,,akhirnya makan d restoran Korea which was recommended by Jan's friend...untungnya enak..haha..n the most important thing,,it is under movie-budget...nge-save dikit...hehe..Thank God...]

Setelah itu,,nyampe d rumah,,dsar iseng,,gw ma hosmate gw si Floren ber-experiment ama poni gw...akhirny gw potong dah tu poni...eh tapi emank apes,,si Flor motong pono gw kpendekan n alhasil jadi petal alias g simetris gtu..haha..ampe stres gw...yah tapi mo diapain lagi,,akhirny pasrah n sbisa mgkn nyoba nutupin tu petal..
saking isengnya lagi,,gw coba kriting rambut gw...n alhasil malah jadi kyk ibu2 arisan...well,,its better to me not to wave my hair...

so,,d conclusion of today is foggy and tiring Sunday yet fun!! Also,,i didn't touch my book at all today!!!what a goal...huhu..exams r coming up n tomorrow i'm gonna spend my whole day at library...welcome to real life again,,diana...